About advertising on this site

You should write to reklama@eugigufo.net about placing advertisements on my website.
Those who are doing this for the first time, or after a long break, will be interested to read the general conditions below.
There is only one type of paid advertising available on my Russian-language website so far: banner space rental.
There are only three banner places on my website (all pages, including the main page, unless otherwise stated):
The first side banner (in the left column, which is not on the travel pages only) — width up to 120 pixels, height up to 240 pixels.
Second side banner (in the right column above the Google AdSense banner) — width up to 120 pixels, height up to 120 pixels.
Lower horizontal banner (above social networking buttons) — height up to 100 pixels, width up to 800 pixels.
None of the banners must be animated (at least until the visitor does something about it).
It is possible to rent two or three banners at the same time, but only if my calendar of banner placement on the website makes it possible to do so without violating agreements already concluded with other advertisers.
IMPORTANT! The above list of banners is available for all pages of the website (unless stated otherwise), except for the pages of the blog. My blog is a special economic zone and you can read about advertising in it on a special page.
We agree with the advertiser on the time of banner placement from a minimum of 1 (one) week to a maximum of 1 (one) month, and by mutual agreement we extend our cooperation any number of times. Payment — for my Yandex.Money or PayPal wallet. The price is discussed with each advertiser separately, as my site is not yet the most popular and quite specific.
What types of paid advertising will never be available on this site (you shouldn’t even think about them): pop-up flash bullshit, advertising plugs in place of pictures, new advertising windows, animated banners and the like.
Also, there will never be advertisements: illegal goods and services and goods and services that do not coincide with my ideas about ethics and/or aesthetics.
Free advertising is only possible on my blog and only on my initiative. (Yes, you can read here about the terms of the blog ad and write to reklama@eugigufo.net).
You can also write suggestions for exchanging links or 88×31 pixels banners at reklama@eugigufo.net.

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